Lamont Schools

Books by Anne Whitehead

Please note: The search results below show all titles that are available in print in the world for your search terms. The search results are not restricted to children’s books, and so they may include books that are unsuitable for schools. Please confirm suitability before ordering items from the search results below.

To see items curated for schools, please explore our catalogue lists above (e.g. Adventure, Standing Order), as these are prepared by Lamont and contain items suitable for schools.

Memory by Anne Whitehead Memory
Hardback , Sep '08
RRP: $204.00 $201.96
Memory by Anne Whitehead Memory
Paperback , Sep '08
RRP: $29.99 $29.69
Between the Psyche and the Polis by Anne Whitehead Between the Psyche and the Polis
Hardback , Sep '17
RRP: $252.00 $249.48
Relating Suicide: A Personal and Critical Perspective by Anne Whitehead Relating Suicide: A Personal...
Paperback , Feb '23
RRP: $29.99 $28.79
The Edinburgh Companion to the Critical Medical Humanities by Anne Whitehead The Edinburgh Companion to...
Paperback , Dec '22
RRP: $99.99 $95.99
Medicine and Empathy in Contemporary British Fiction: An Intervention in Medical Humanities by Anne Whitehead Medicine and Empathy in Contemporary...
Paperback , Aug '19
RRP: $57.99 $55.67
Betsy and the Emperor by Anne Whitehead Betsy and the Emperor
Paperback , Aug '15
RRP: $39.99 $38.39
Trauma Fiction by Anne Whitehead Trauma Fiction
Hardback , Sep '04
RRP: $219.00 $210.23
Relating Suicide: A Personal and Critical Perspective by Anne Whitehead Relating Suicide: A Personal...
Hardback , Feb '23
RRP: $90.00 $86.40
Betsy and The Emperor: The true story of Napoleon, a pretty girl, a Regency rake and an Australian colonial misadventure by Anne Whitehead Betsy and The Emperor: The...
Paperback , Sep '15
RRP: $98.99 $95.03
Meta-Analysis of Controlled Clinical Trials by Anne Whitehead Meta-Analysis of Controlled Clinical Trials
Hardback , Jul '02
15% OFF!
RRP: $224.95 $191.20
Between the Psyche and the Polis: Refiguring History in Literature and Theory by Anne Whitehead Between the Psyche and the...
Paperback , Oct '19
15% OFF!
RRP: $62.99 $53.54
W.G. Sebald by J. J. Long W.G. Sebald
Hardback , Sep '04
15% OFF!
RRP: $230.00 $195.50
Theories of Memory: A Reader by Michael Rossington Theories of Memory: A Reader
Paperback , Jul '07
15% OFF!
RRP: $79.99 $67.99
W.G. Sebald by J. J. Long W.G. Sebald
Paperback , Aug '06
15% OFF!
RRP: $67.99 $57.79
The Edinburgh Companion to the Critical Medical Humanities by Sarah Atkinson The Edinburgh Companion to...
Hardback , Jul '16
15% OFF!
RRP: $460.00 $391.00
Theories of Memory by Michael Rossington Theories of Memory
Paperback , Aug '07
15% OFF!
RRP: $45.00 $38.25
Results 1 - 21 of 21