Lamont Schools

Books by David Bebbington

Please note: The search results below show all titles that are available in print in the world for your search terms. The search results are not restricted to children’s books, and so they may include books that are unsuitable for schools. Please confirm suitability before ordering items from the search results below.

To see items curated for schools, please explore our catalogue lists above (e.g. Adventure, Standing Order), as these are prepared by Lamont and contain items suitable for schools.

Evangelicalism and Dissent in Modern England and Wales by David Bebbington Evangelicalism and Dissent...
Hardback , Sep '20
RRP: $284.00 $281.16
Evangelicalism and Dissent in Modern England and Wales by David Bebbington Evangelicalism and Dissent...
Paperback , Apr '22
RRP: $83.99 $83.15
Protestant Nonconformist Texts: Volume 3: The Nineteenth Century by David Bebbington Protestant Nonconformist...
Paperback , Dec '20
RRP: $41.99 $41.57
Protestant Nonconformist Texts by David Bebbington Protestant Nonconformist Texts
Hardback , Nov '17
RRP: $183.00 $181.17
Evangelicalism in Modern Britain by David W. Bebbington Evangelicalism in Modern Britain
Hardback , Sep '15
RRP: $284.00 $281.16
Evangelicalism in Modern Britain by David W. Bebbington Evangelicalism in Modern Britain
Paperback , Dec '88
RRP: $83.99 $83.15
Modern Christianity and Cultural Aspirations by David Bebbington Modern Christianity and Cultural Aspirations
Hardback , Jun '03
RRP: $451.00 $432.96
Victorian Religious Revivals by David Bebbington Victorian Religious Revivals
Hardback , May '12
RRP: $312.00 $305.76
Mister Brownrigg's Boys: Magdalen College School in the Great War by David Bebbington Mister Brownrigg's Boys:...
Paperback , Jan '23
15% OFF!
RRP: $44.99 $38.24
Mister Brownrigg's Boys by David Bebbington Mister Brownrigg's Boys
Hardback , Jan '15
15% OFF!
RRP: $90.00 $76.50
The Mind of Gladstone: Religion, Homer, and Politics by David Bebbington The Mind of Gladstone: Religion,...
Hardback , Mar '04
RRP: $389.00 $381.22
Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism in the United Kingdom during the Twentieth Century by David W. Bebbington Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism...
Hardback , Oct '13
RRP: $296.00 $290.08
The Dominance of Evangelicalism by David W Bebbington The Dominance of Evangelicalism
Hardback , May '05
15% OFF!
RRP: $85.22 $72.43
Victorian Nonconformity by David W Bebbington Victorian Nonconformity
Hardback , Apr '11
15% OFF!
RRP: $82.74 $70.32
Victorian Nonconformity by David W. Bebbington Victorian Nonconformity
Paperback , Apr '11
15% OFF!
RRP: $37.61 $31.96
Protestant Nonconformist Texts Volume 3 by David W Bebbington Protestant Nonconformist Texts Volume 3
Paperback , Feb '15
15% OFF!
RRP: $130.37 $110.81
Evangelicals: Who They Have Been, are Now, and Could be by Mark A. Noll Evangelicals: Who They Have...
Paperback , Nov '19
15% OFF!
RRP: $90.23 $76.69
Conscience and Compromise by Patricia Meldrum Conscience and Compromise
Hardback , Feb '07
15% OFF!
RRP: $218.12 $185.40
Communion with Christ and His People by Peter J Morden Communion with Christ and His People
Paperback , Jan '14
15% OFF!
RRP: $112.82 $95.89
The Beginning of Tomorrow: Call to the North – Churches Working Together in Mission by John Gaunt Hunter The Beginning of Tomorrow:...
Paperback , May '19
15% OFF!
RRP: $62.55 $53.16
Expect Great Things, Attempt Great Things by Allen Yeh Expect Great Things, Attempt Great Things
Paperback , Sep '13
15% OFF!
RRP: $60.17 $51.14
Conscience and Compromise by Patricia Meldrum Conscience and Compromise
Paperback , Feb '07
15% OFF!
RRP: $147.92 $125.73
When the Lord Walked the Land by Kenneth S Jeffrey When the Lord Walked the Land
Paperback , Mar '07
15% OFF!
RRP: $97.78 $83.11
Anglican Evangelicals by Grayson Carter Anglican Evangelicals
Paperback , Oct '15
15% OFF!
RRP: $155.44 $132.12
Baptists and Mission by Ian M Randall Baptists and Mission
Paperback , Mar '08
15% OFF!
RRP: $120.34 $102.28
Prisoners of Hope? by Crawford Gribben Prisoners of Hope?
Paperback , Sep '07
15% OFF!
RRP: $75.22 $63.93
Baptists and Mission: Papers from the Fourth International Conference on Baptist Studies by Ian M Randall Baptists and Mission: Papers...
Hardback , Mar '08
15% OFF!
RRP: $190.55 $161.96
Evangelicals and Education by Khim Harris Evangelicals and Education
Paperback , Sep '07
15% OFF!
RRP: $127.87 $108.68
Expect Great Things, Attempt Great Things by Allen Yeh Expect Great Things, Attempt Great Things
Hardback , Sep '13
15% OFF!
RRP: $105.30 $89.50
Results 1 - 30 of 30