Lamont Schools

Books by Deceased Bertolt Brecht

Please note: The search results below show all titles that are available in print in the world for your search terms. The search results are not restricted to children’s books, and so they may include books that are unsuitable for schools. Please confirm suitability before ordering items from the search results below.

To see items curated for schools, please explore our catalogue lists above (e.g. Adventure, Standing Order), as these are prepared by Lamont and contain items suitable for schools.

Brecht on Theatre by Deceased Bertolt Brecht Brecht on Theatre
Paperback , Jan '64
20% OFF!
RRP: $50.41 $40.32
Mother Courage and Her Children by Deceased Bertolt Brecht Mother Courage and Her Children
Paperback , Apr '10
20% OFF!
RRP: $42.32 $33.85
Fear and Misery in the Third Reich by Deceased Bertolt Brecht Fear and Misery in the Third Reich
Paperback , May '13
20% OFF!
RRP: $42.32 $33.85
Speak Low [Sound Recording]: Songs by Kurt Weill & the Seven Deadly Sins = Die Sieben Todsnden = Les Sept Pchs Capitaux by Deceased Bertolt Brecht Speak Low [Sound Recording]:...
Paperback , Sep '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $63.01 $50.40
Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, the (Tabori, Trans.) by George Tabori Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, the (Tabori, Trans.)
Paperback , Feb '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $50.28 $40.22
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