Lamont Schools

Books by Donatella Della Porta Della Porta

Please note: The search results below show all titles that are available in print in the world for your search terms. The search results are not restricted to children’s books, and so they may include books that are unsuitable for schools. Please confirm suitability before ordering items from the search results below.

To see items curated for schools, please explore our catalogue lists above (e.g. Adventure, Standing Order), as these are prepared by Lamont and contain items suitable for schools.

Corrupt Exchanges by Donatella della Porta Corrupt Exchanges
Paperback , Jan '99
RRP: $96.99 $96.02
The Global Justice Movement by Donatella Della Porta The Global Justice Movement
Paperback , Aug '07
RRP: $92.99 $92.06
Global Justice Movement: Cross-national and Transnational Perspectives by Donatella Della Porta Global Justice Movement:...
Hardback , Dec '06
RRP: $326.00 $322.74
Another Europe by Donatella Della Porta Another Europe
Paperback , May '13
RRP: $25.99 $25.73
Inequalities, Territorial Politics, Nationalism by Donatella della Porta Inequalities, Territorial Politics, Nationalism
Paperback , Dec '24
RRP: $83.99 $83.15
Another Europe by Donatella Della Porta Another Europe
Hardback , May '09
RRP: $77.99 $77.21
The Hidden Order of Corruption by Donatella della Porta The Hidden Order of Corruption
Paperback , Nov '16
RRP: $105.00 $103.95
Resisting the Backlash: Street Protest in Italy by Donatella della Porta Resisting the Backlash: Street Protest in Italy
Hardback , Apr '22
RRP: $284.00 $281.16
Contentious Migrant Solidarity: Shrinking Spaces and Civil Society Contestation by Donatella della Porta Contentious Migrant Solidarity:...
Hardback , Sep '21
RRP: $284.00 $281.16
Resisting the Backlash: Street Protest in Italy by Donatella della Porta Resisting the Backlash: Street Protest in Italy
Paperback , May '24
RRP: $83.99 $83.15
Inequalities, Territorial Politics, Nationalism by Donatella della Porta Inequalities, Territorial Politics, Nationalism
Hardback , Sep '23
RRP: $305.00 $301.95
The Policing of Transnational Protest by Abby Peterson The Policing of Transnational Protest
Hardback , Nov '06
RRP: $336.00 $332.64
The Policing of Transnational Protest by Abby Peterson The Policing of Transnational Protest
Paperback , Feb '17
RRP: $110.00 $108.90
The Hidden Order of Corruption by Donatella della Porta The Hidden Order of Corruption
Hardback , Dec '11
RRP: $305.00 $301.95
Movement Parties Against Austerity by Donatella della Porta Movement Parties Against Austerity
Paperback , Mar '17
RRP: $34.95 $34.25
Social Movements: An Introduction by Donatella della Porta Social Movements: An Introduction
Paperback , Apr '20
RRP: $63.95 $62.67
Globalization from Below by Donatella della Porta Della Porta Globalization from Below
Paperback , Jul '06
20% OFF!
RRP: $44.95 $35.96
Policing Protest by Donatella della Porta Della Porta Policing Protest
Paperback , May '98
20% OFF!
RRP: $45.95 $36.76
Meeting Democracy by Donatella della Porta Meeting Democracy
Paperback , Jan '15
RRP: $59.95 $57.55
Mobilizing for Democracy by Donatella della Porta Mobilizing for Democracy
Hardback , Mar '14
RRP: $260.00 $254.80
Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences by Donatella Della Porta Approaches and Methodologies...
Paperback , Aug '08
RRP: $75.95 $72.91
Where Did the Revolution Go? by Donatella della Porta Where Did the Revolution Go?
Hardback , Nov '16
20% OFF!
RRP: $145.95 $116.76
How Social Movements Can Save Democracy: Democratic Innovations from Below by Donatella della Porta How Social Movements Can...
Paperback , Mar '20
20% OFF!
RRP: $36.95 $29.56
Where Did the Revolution Go? by Donatella della Porta Where Did the Revolution Go?
Paperback , Nov '16
20% OFF!
RRP: $51.95 $41.56
Social Movements and Civil War by Donatella della Porta Social Movements and Civil War
Hardback , Jul '17
20% OFF!
RRP: $284.00 $227.20
Movement Parties Against Austerity by Donatella della Porta Movement Parties Against Austerity
Hardback , Mar '17
20% OFF!
RRP: $113.95 $91.16
Social Movements in Times of Austerity: Bringing Capitalism Back into Protest Analysis by Donatella della Porta Social Movements in Times...
Hardback , Mar '15
20% OFF!
RRP: $113.95 $91.16
Social Movements, Political Violence, and the State by Donatella della Porta Social Movements, Political...
Hardback , Sep '95
RRP: $174.95 $167.95
Corrupt Exchanges by Donatella della Porta Corrupt Exchanges
Hardback , Jan '99
20% OFF!
RRP: $210.00 $168.00
Methodological Practices in Social Movement Research by Donatella della Porta Methodological Practices...
Hardback , Sep '14
RRP: $218.95 $210.19
Social Movements and Europeanization by Donatella della Porta Social Movements and Europeanization
Paperback , Jun '11
RRP: $107.95 $105.79
Legacies and Memories in Movements by Donatella della Porta Legacies and Memories in Movements
Hardback , Apr '18
20% OFF!
RRP: $199.95 $159.96
Social Movements and Europeanization by Donatella della Porta Social Movements and Europeanization
Hardback , May '09
RRP: $134.95 $132.25
Clandestine Political Violence by Donatella della Porta Clandestine Political Violence
Paperback , May '13
RRP: $51.95 $49.87
Social Movements in Times of Austerity: Bringing Capitalism Back Into Protest Analysis by Donatella della Porta Social Movements in Times...
Paperback , Mar '15
20% OFF!
RRP: $39.95 $31.96
Social Movements and Civil War by Donatella della Porta Social Movements and Civil War
Paperback , Jul '17
20% OFF!
RRP: $79.99 $63.99
Results 1 - 36 of 61