Lamont Schools

Books by Eric Freedman

Please note: The search results below show all titles that are available in print in the world for your search terms. The search results are not restricted to children’s books, and so they may include books that are unsuitable for schools. Please confirm suitability before ordering items from the search results below.

To see items curated for schools, please explore our catalogue lists above (e.g. Adventure, Standing Order), as these are prepared by Lamont and contain items suitable for schools.

Artificial Intelligence and Playable Media by Eric Freedman Artificial Intelligence and Playable Media
Hardback , Sep '22
RRP: $284.00 $281.16
The Persistence of Code in Game Engine Culture by Eric Freedman The Persistence of Code in Game Engine Culture
Hardback , Apr '20
RRP: $284.00 $281.16
The Persistence of Code in Game Engine Culture by Eric Freedman The Persistence of Code in Game Engine Culture
Paperback , Apr '20
RRP: $77.99 $77.21
Environmental Crises in Central Asia by Eric Freedman Environmental Crises in Central Asia
Hardback , Nov '15
RRP: $305.00 $301.95
Environmental Crises in Central Asia by Eric Freedman Environmental Crises in Central Asia
Paperback , Apr '18
RRP: $92.99 $92.06
Critical Perspectives on Journalistic Beliefs and Actions by Eric Freedman Critical Perspectives on...
Hardback , May '18
RRP: $284.00 $281.16
Communicating Endangered Species: Extinction, News and Public Policy by Eric Freedman Communicating Endangered...
Paperback , May '23
RRP: $83.99 $83.15
Critical Perspectives on Journalistic Beliefs and Actions: Global Experiences by Eric Freedman Critical Perspectives on...
Paperback , Aug '20
RRP: $81.99 $81.17
Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Management in the Great Lakes Basin by Eric Freedman Biodiversity, Conservation...
Hardback , Nov '17
RRP: $284.00 $281.16
Artificial Intelligence and Playable Media by Eric Freedman Artificial Intelligence and Playable Media
Paperback , Sep '22
RRP: $73.99 $73.25
Design Research in Social Studies Education: Critical Lessons from an Emerging Field by Beth C. Rubin Design Research in Social...
Hardback , Jul '19
RRP: $284.00 $281.16
Design Research in Social Studies Education: Critical Lessons from an Emerging Field by Beth C. Rubin Design Research in Social...
Paperback , Jun '19
RRP: $83.99 $83.15
Communicating Endangered Species: Extinction, News and Public Policy by Eric Freedman Communicating Endangered...
Hardback , Aug '21
15% OFF!
RRP: $284.00 $241.40
Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Management in the Great Lakes Basin by Eric Freedman Biodiversity, Conservation...
Paperback , Jul '19
15% OFF!
RRP: $88.99 $75.64
Group Defamation and Freedom of Speech by Monore H. Freedman Group Defamation and Freedom of Speech
Hardback , May '95
RRP: $140.00 $134.40
Results 1 - 19 of 19