Lamont Schools

Books by Frances Thomson Salo

Please note: The search results below show all titles that are available in print in the world for your search terms. The search results are not restricted to children’s books, and so they may include books that are unsuitable for schools. Please confirm suitability before ordering items from the search results below.

To see items curated for schools, please explore our catalogue lists above (e.g. Adventure, Standing Order), as these are prepared by Lamont and contain items suitable for schools.

Engaging Infants by Frances Thomson-Salo Engaging Infants
Paperback , Nov '17
RRP: $58.99 $58.40
The Baby as Subject by Campbell Paul The Baby as Subject
Paperback , Oct '13
RRP: $73.99 $73.25
When a Child Has Been Abused: Towards Psychoanalytic Understanding and Therapy by Frances Thomson-Salo When a Child Has Been Abused:...
Hardback , Oct '18
RRP: $221.00 $218.79
The Baby as Subject by Frances Thomson-Salo The Baby as Subject
Hardback , Jul '19
RRP: $252.00 $249.48
When a Child Has Been Abused: Towards Psychoanalytic Understanding and Therapy by Frances Thomson-Salo When a Child Has Been Abused:...
Paperback , Sep '18
RRP: $71.99 $71.27
Infant Observation by Frances Thomson-Salo Infant Observation
Paperback , May '14
RRP: $105.00 $103.95
You and Your Baby by Frances Thomson-Salo You and Your Baby
Paperback , Dec '05
RRP: $52.99 $52.46
Masculinity and Femininity Today by Ester Palerm Mari Masculinity and Femininity Today
Paperback , Jul '13
RRP: $67.99 $67.31
Homosexualities by Elda Abrevaya Homosexualities
Paperback , May '15
RRP: $67.99 $67.31
Women and Creativity: A Psychoanalytic Glimpse Through Art, Literature, and Social Structure by Frances Thomson-Salo Women and Creativity: A Psychoanalytic...
Hardback , Jul '19
15% OFF!
RRP: $273.00 $232.05
Women and Creativity by Frances Thomson-Salo Women and Creativity
Paperback , Apr '14
15% OFF!
RRP: $83.99 $71.39
Infant Observation: Creating Transformative Relationships by Frances Thomson-Salo Infant Observation: Creating...
Hardback , Jun '19
15% OFF!
RRP: $273.00 $232.05
Engaging Infants: Embodied Communication in Short-Term Infant-Parent Therapy by Frances Thomson-Salo Engaging Infants: Embodied...
Hardback , Jun '19
15% OFF!
RRP: $273.00 $232.05
The Winnicott Tradition: Lines of Development-Evolution of Theory and Practice over the Decades by Margaret Boyle Spelman The Winnicott Tradition:...
Hardback , Jul '19
15% OFF!
RRP: $273.00 $232.05
Changing Sexualities and Parental Functions in the Twenty-First Century by Candida Se Holovko Changing Sexualities and...
Paperback , Mar '17
15% OFF!
RRP: $73.99 $62.89
Masculinity and Femininity Today by Ester Palerm Mari Masculinity and Femininity Today
Hardback , Jul '19
15% OFF!
RRP: $273.00 $232.05
The Female Body by Ingrid Moeslein-Teising The Female Body
Paperback , May '13
15% OFF!
RRP: $73.99 $62.89
Changing Sexualities and Parental Functions in the Twenty-First Century: Changing Sexualities, Changing Parental Functions by Candida Se Holovko Changing Sexualities and...
Hardback , Jun '19
15% OFF!
RRP: $273.00 $232.05
Homosexualities: Psychogenesis, Polymorphism, and Countertransference by Elda Abrevaya Homosexualities: Psychogenesis,...
Hardback , Jun '19
15% OFF!
RRP: $273.00 $232.05
The Winnicott Tradition by Margaret Boyle Spelman The Winnicott Tradition
Paperback , Nov '14
15% OFF!
RRP: $120.00 $102.00
The Female Body: Inside And Outside by Ingrid Moeslein-Teising The Female Body: Inside And Outside
Hardback , Nov '19
15% OFF!
RRP: $273.00 $232.05
Results 1 - 21 of 21