Lamont Schools

Books by Frederick Russell Pember

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Studies by Means of Both Pot and Solution Culture of the Phosphorus and Potassium Requirements of the Barley Plant During Its Different Periods of Growth... by Frederick Russell Pember Studies by Means of Both...
Paperback , Apr '12
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RRP: $47.09 $37.67
A Study of the Influence of Physical Soil Factors and of Various Fertilizer Chemicals on the Growth of the Carnation Plant... by Frederick Russell Pember A Study of the Influence...
Paperback , Mar '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $49.74 $39.79
The Influence of Crop Plants on Those Which Follow, II by Burt Laws Hartwell The Influence of Crop Plants...
Paperback , May '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $47.09 $37.67
Nitrogen Content and Yield of Crops as Affected by Different Nitrogenous Manures, Issues 142-148... by Burt Laws Hartwell Nitrogen Content and Yield...
Paperback , Apr '12
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RRP: $41.79 $33.43
The Feeding Power of Certain Cereals, and Their Response to Fertilizer Ingredients... by Burt Laws Hartwell The Feeding Power of Certain...
Paperback , Mar '12
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RRP: $41.79 $33.43
Further Soil Tests in Paraffined Wire Baskets... by Burt Laws Hartwell Further Soil Tests in Paraffined Wire Baskets...
Paperback , Apr '12
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RRP: $39.13 $31.30
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