Lamont Schools

Books by Georges Louis Leclerc Comte De Buffon

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The Natural History of Birds: From the French of the Count de Buffon; Illustrated with Engravings, and a Preface, Notes, and Additions, by the Translator by Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon The Natural History of Birds:...
Paperback , Nov '10
RRP: $91.95 $88.27
The Natural History of Birds: From the French of the Count de Buffon; Illustrated with Engravings, and a Preface, Notes, and Additions, by the Translator by Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon The Natural History of Birds:...
Paperback , Nov '10
RRP: $81.95 $78.67
The Natural History of Birds: From the French of the Count de Buffon; Illustrated with Engravings, and a Preface, Notes, and Additions, by the Translator by Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon The Natural History of Birds:...
Paperback , Nov '10
RRP: $94.95 $91.15
The Natural History of Birds: From the French of the Count de Buffon; Illustrated with Engravings, and a Preface, Notes, and Additions, by the Translator by Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon The Natural History of Birds:...
Paperback , Nov '10
RRP: $91.95 $88.27
The Natural History of Birds: From the French of the Count de Buffon; Illustrated with Engravings, and a Preface, Notes, and Additions, by the Translator by Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon The Natural History of Birds:...
Paperback , Nov '10
RRP: $81.95 $78.67
The Natural History of Birds: From the French of the Count de Buffon; Illustrated with Engravings, and a Preface, Notes, and Additions, by the Translator by Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon The Natural History of Birds:...
Paperback , Nov '10
RRP: $91.95 $88.27
The Natural History of Birds: From the French of the Count de Buffon; Illustrated with Engravings, and a Preface, Notes, and Additions, by the Translator by Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon The Natural History of Birds:...
Paperback , Nov '10
RRP: $84.95 $81.55
The Natural History of Birds: From the French of the Count de Buffon; Illustrated with Engravings, and a Preface, Notes, and Additions, by the Translator by Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon The Natural History of Birds:...
Paperback , Nov '10
RRP: $94.95 $91.15
The Natural History of Birds: From the French of the Count de Buffon; Illustrated with Engravings, and a Preface, Notes, and Additions, by the Translator by Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon The Natural History of Birds:...
Paperback , Nov '10
RRP: $81.95 $78.67
Historia Natural, General Y Particular, Volume 10... by Georges-Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Historia Natural, General...
Paperback , Feb '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $73.62 $58.89
Histoire Naturelle Générale Et Particuliére: Avec La Description Du Cabinet Du Roy: Tome Septième... by Georges-Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Histoire Naturelle Générale...
Paperback , Nov '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $97.50 $78.00
Histoire naturelle, g(c)n(c)rale et particuli(c)-re, des poissons; ouvrage faisant suite (c) l'Histoire naturelle g(c)n(c)rale et particuli(c)-re, compos(c)e par Leclerc de Buffon, et mise dans un nouvel ordre by Georges Louis Leclerc Comte De Buffon Histoire naturelle, g(c)n(c)rale...
Paperback , Sep '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $97.50 $78.00
Histoire Naturelle, Générale Et Particulière... by Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Histoire Naturelle, Générale Et Particulière...
Paperback , Feb '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $89.54 $71.63
Histoire Naturelle: T.1-14: Quadrupedes (Buffon... by Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Histoire Naturelle: T.1-14: Quadrupedes (Buffon...
Paperback , Jan '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $78.93 $63.14
Natural History of Birds, Fish, Insects, and Reptiles, Volume 2 by Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Natural History of Birds,...
Paperback , Aug '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $86.89 $69.51
Historia Natural, General Y Particular, Volume 4... by Georges-Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Historia Natural, General...
Paperback , Nov '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $89.54 $71.63
Histoire Naturelle Generale Et Particuliere, Volume 127... by Georges-Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Histoire Naturelle Generale...
Paperback , Jan '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $86.89 $69.51
Oeuvres Complètes De Buffon: Quadrupèdes... by Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Oeuvres Complètes De Buffon: Quadrupèdes...
Paperback , Jan '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $102.81 $82.24
Histoire Naturelle, Générale Et Particulière... by Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Histoire Naturelle, Générale Et Particulière...
Paperback , Nov '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $100.15 $80.12
Historia Natural, General Y Particular, Volume 10... by Georges-Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Historia Natural, General...
Paperback , Nov '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $86.89 $69.51
Storia Naturale, Generale E Particolare Per Servire Di Seguito Alla Storia Degli Animali Quadrupedi... by Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Storia Naturale, Generale...
Paperback , Feb '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $86.89 $69.51
Storia Naturale, Generale E Particolare... by Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Storia Naturale, Generale E Particolare...
Paperback , Mar '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $86.89 $69.51
Histoire Naturelle Générale Et Particuliére: Avec La Description Du Cabinet Du Roi: Tome Cinquième... by Georges-Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Histoire Naturelle Générale...
Paperback , Nov '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $94.85 $75.88
Histoire naturelle, g(c)n(c)rale et particuli(c)-re, des poissons; ouvrage faisant suite (c) l'Histoire naturelle g(c)n(c)rale et particuli(c)-re, compos(c)e par Leclerc de Buffon, et mise dans un nouvel ordre by Georges Louis Leclerc Comte De Buffon Histoire naturelle, g(c)n(c)rale...
Paperback , Aug '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $94.85 $75.88
Histoire Naturelle: T.1-14: Quadrupedes (Buffon... by Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Histoire Naturelle: T.1-14: Quadrupedes (Buffon...
Paperback , Nov '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $86.89 $69.51
Histoire Naturelle Generale Et Particuliere by Georges-Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Histoire Naturelle Generale Et Particuliere
Paperback , May '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $94.85 $75.88
Histoire Naturelle Générale Et Particuliére: Avec La Description Du Cabinet Du Roy: Tome Septième... by Georges-Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Histoire Naturelle Générale...
Paperback , Nov '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $94.85 $75.88
Historia Natural, General Y Particular, Volume 3 by Georges-Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Historia Natural, General Y Particular, Volume 3
Paperback , Sep '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $102.81 $82.24
Historia Natural, General Y Particular, Volume 11... by Georges-Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Historia Natural, General...
Paperback , Feb '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $86.89 $69.51
The Natural History of Oviparous Quadrupeds, and Serpents. Arr. and Published from the Papers and Collections of the Count de Buffon, by the Count de la Cepede Volume 1 by Georges Louis Leclerc Comte De Buffon The Natural History of Oviparous...
Paperback , Aug '10
20% OFF!
RRP: $102.81 $82.24
Storia Naturale de Minerali... by Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Storia Naturale de Minerali...
Paperback , Mar '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $76.27 $61.01
Historia Natural, General Y Particular, Volume 4... by Georges-Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Historia Natural, General...
Paperback , Nov '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $89.54 $71.63
Histoire Naturelle Generale Et Particuliere: Avec La Description Du Cabinet Du Roi: Tome Huitieme... by Georges-Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Histoire Naturelle Generale...
Paperback , Jan '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $73.62 $58.89
Historia Natural, General Y Particular, Volume 11... by Georges-Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Historia Natural, General...
Paperback , Feb '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $76.27 $61.01
Oeuvres Completes de Buffon: Quadrup Des 2... by Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Oeuvres Completes de Buffon: Quadrup Des 2...
Paperback , Jan '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $102.81 $82.24
Histoire Naturelle: T.1-14: Quadrupèdes (Buffon... by Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon (Comte De) Histoire Naturelle: T.1-14: Quadrupèdes (Buffon...
Paperback , Nov '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $86.89 $69.51
Results 1 - 36 of 79