Lamont Schools

Books by Hugo Grotius

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To see items curated for schools, please explore our catalogue lists above (e.g. Adventure, Standing Order), as these are prepared by Lamont and contain items suitable for schools.

The Truth of the Christian Religion by Hugo Grotius The Truth of the Christian Religion
Hardback , Sep '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $63.67 $50.93
The Free Sea by Hugo Grotius The Free Sea
Paperback , Jan '04
20% OFF!
RRP: $38.47 $30.77
Rights of War & Peace, Books 1-3 by Hugo Grotius Rights of War & Peace, Books 1-3
Hardback , Aug '05
20% OFF!
RRP: $191.02 $152.81
Annotationes in Novum Testamentum: Continens Annotationes Ad Iohannem, Volume 4 by Hugo Grotius Annotationes in Novum Testamentum:...
Paperback , Sep '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $76.27 $61.01
Annotationes in Novum Testamentum: Continens Annotationes Ad Matth. XIV - XXVIII, Volume 2 by Hugo Grotius Annotationes in Novum Testamentum:...
Paperback , Aug '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $73.62 $58.89
The First Two (Third and Fourth, Fifth and Sixth) Books of Hugo Grotius, on the Truth of the Christian Religion, Tr. by a Graduate of the University of Cambridge [t. Sedger]. by Hugo Grotius The First Two (Third and...
Paperback , Feb '10
20% OFF!
RRP: $52.40 $41.92
The Rights of War and Peace: Including the Law of Nature and of Nations, Volume 5 by Hugo Grotius The Rights of War and Peace:...
Paperback , Sep '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $94.85 $75.88
Moorish Remains in Spain (Edition1) by Hugo Grotius Moorish Remains in Spain (Edition1)
Book , Oct '23
20% OFF!
RRP: $56.46 $45.16
The Truth of the Christian Religion. in Six Books. by Hugo Grotius. Corrected and Illustrated with Notes, by Mr. Le Clerc. Translated by John Clarke, ... the Sixth Edition. by Hugo Grotius The Truth of the Christian...
Paperback , Jun '10
20% OFF!
RRP: $86.89 $69.51
Alphabet Der Hollandsche Regten, Ofte Bladt-Wyzer En Korten Inhoud Van de Inleyding Tot de Hollandsche Regts-Geleerdheit, Beschreven Door Den Heer Hugo de Groot En Van de Aantekeningen Daar Op Door Den Heer Simon Van Groenewegen Van Der Made ... by Hugo Grotius Alphabet Der Hollandsche...
Paperback , Aug '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $100.15 $80.12
Annotationes In Novum Testamentum: Denuo Emendatius Editae by Hugo Grotius Annotationes In Novum Testamentum:...
Paperback , Sep '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $76.27 $61.01
Hugonis Grotii Baptizatorum Puerorum Institutio: Et Eucharistia: Una Cum Ejusdem Adnotationibus Ad Decalogum Et Ad Sermonem Christi in Monte Habitum by Hugo Grotius Hugonis Grotii Baptizatorum...
Paperback , Jan '10
20% OFF!
RRP: $84.23 $67.38
Das Hugo Grotius Drei Bucher Uber Das Recht Des Krieges Und Friedens: In Welchem Das Natur- Und Volkerrecht Und Das Wichtigste Aus Dem Offentlichen Recht Erklart Werden, Volume 2... - Primary Source Edition by Hugo Grotius Das Hugo Grotius Drei Bucher...
Paperback , Oct '13
20% OFF!
RRP: $102.81 $82.24
Grollae Obsidio Cvm Annexis Anni MDCXXVII. by Hugo Grotius Grollae Obsidio Cvm Annexis Anni MDCXXVII.
Paperback , Apr '10
20% OFF!
RRP: $44.44 $35.55
Oovergebleeve Rym-Stukken of Vervolg Der Versen by Hugo Grotius Oovergebleeve Rym-Stukken of Vervolg Der Versen
Paperback , Sep '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $84.23 $67.38
Annotationes in Novum Testamentum: Johannem by Hugo Grotius Annotationes in Novum Testamentum: Johannem
Paperback , Sep '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $78.93 $63.14
Gwirionedd Y Crefydd Gristionogol: O Waith Hugo Grotius by Hugo Grotius Gwirionedd Y Crefydd Gristionogol:...
Paperback , Sep '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $63.01 $50.40
M. Annaei Lvcani Pharsalia: Sive, de Bello Civili Caesaris Et Pompeii Libri X. Ex Emendatione V. C. Hvgonis Grotii, Cum Eiusdem Ad Loca Insigniora Notis. Accesserunt Variarvm Lectionvm Libellus; & Rerum Ae Verborum Index Locupletissimus, OperĂ  Theodori P by Hugo Grotius M. Annaei Lvcani Pharsalia:...
Paperback , Mar '10
20% OFF!
RRP: $100.15 $80.12
Mare Clausum: Bijdrage Tot de Geschiedenis Der Rivaliteit Van Engeland En Nederland in de Zeventiende Eeuw by Hugo Grotius Mare Clausum: Bijdrage Tot...
Paperback , Jan '10
20% OFF!
RRP: $94.85 $75.88
Traité de la Vérité de la Religion Chretienne by Hugo Grotius Traité de la Vérité de la Religion Chretienne
Paperback , Feb '10
20% OFF!
RRP: $92.19 $73.75
de Veritate Religionis Christianae: Accedunt Ern. Cypriani Analecta by Hugo Grotius de Veritate Religionis Christianae:...
Paperback , Aug '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $86.89 $69.51
Antiquitates Germanicae, of Hoogduitsche Oudtheden;: Waar in de Gelegentheid En Zeeden Der Germaanen, by Hugo Grotius Antiquitates Germanicae,...
Paperback , Feb '10
20% OFF!
RRP: $97.50 $78.00
Annotationes in Novum Testamentum: Continens Annotationes in Epistolas Catholicas Et Iohannis Apocalypsin, Volume 8 by Hugo Grotius Annotationes in Novum Testamentum:...
Paperback , Sep '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $97.50 $78.00
Hugo Grotius on the Truth of Christianity; In Six Books: Familiarly Translated Into English, by Spencer Madan, Esq. ... by Hugo Grotius Hugo Grotius on the Truth...
Paperback , Jun '10
20% OFF!
RRP: $86.89 $69.51
Annotationes in Novum Testamentum: Continens Annotationes Ad Matth. I - XIII, Volume 1 by Hugo Grotius Annotationes in Novum Testamentum:...
Paperback , Sep '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $94.85 $75.88
Inleidinge Tot de Hollandsche Rechts-Geleerdheid, Beschreven Bij Hugo de Groot, Part 1... by Hugo Grotius Inleidinge Tot de Hollandsche...
Paperback , Jan '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $73.62 $58.89
Mopsa the Fairy (part II) (Edition1) by Hugo Grotius Mopsa the Fairy (part II) (Edition1)
Book , Oct '23
20% OFF!
RRP: $52.37 $41.89
Annotationes in Novum Testamentum: Indices by Hugo Grotius Annotationes in Novum Testamentum: Indices
Paperback , Apr '10
20% OFF!
RRP: $89.54 $71.63
Institutiones Juris Naturalis & Gentium, Ex Hugonis Grotii de Jure Belli AC Pacis Libris Excerpt]. Editio Secunda. by Hugo Grotius Institutiones Juris Naturalis...
Paperback , May '10
20% OFF!
RRP: $57.70 $46.16
Annotationes in Novum Testamentum: Continens Annotationes Ad ACTA Apostolorum, Volume 5 by Hugo Grotius Annotationes in Novum Testamentum:...
Paperback , Sep '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $70.97 $56.77
Annotationes in Novum Testamentum: Continens Indices, Volume 9 by Hugo Grotius Annotationes in Novum Testamentum:...
Paperback , Sep '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $86.89 $69.51
Annotationes In Novum Testamentum: Matth. I-xiii by Hugo Grotius Annotationes In Novum Testamentum: Matth. I-xiii
Paperback , Sep '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $97.50 $78.00
Annotationes in Vetus Testamentum, Volume 1 by Hugo Grotius Annotationes in Vetus Testamentum, Volume 1
Paperback , Sep '11
20% OFF!
RRP: $102.81 $82.24
Select Theses on the Laws of Holland and Zeeland, Being a Commentary of Hugo Grotius' Introduction to Dutch Jurisprudence, and Intended to Supply Cert by Hugo Grotius Select Theses on the Laws...
Paperback , Sep '13
20% OFF!
RRP: $89.54 $71.63
The Truth of the Christian Religion by Hugo Grotius The Truth of the Christian Religion
Paperback , Sep '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $31.21 $24.96
Commentary on the Law of Prize and Booty, with Associated Documents by Hugo Grotius Commentary on the Law of...
Hardback , Jun '06
20% OFF!
RRP: $56.87 $45.49
Results 1 - 36 of 42