Lamont Schools

Books by John Paterson

Please note: The search results below show all titles that are available in print in the world for your search terms. The search results are not restricted to children’s books, and so they may include books that are unsuitable for schools. Please confirm suitability before ordering items from the search results below.

To see items curated for schools, please explore our catalogue lists above (e.g. Adventure, Standing Order), as these are prepared by Lamont and contain items suitable for schools.

I Am the Rain by John Paterson I Am the Rain
Paperback , Mar '18
20% OFF!
RRP: $23.85 $19.08
Behind the Mask by John Paterson Behind the Mask
Hardback , Sep '17
RRP: $189.00 $187.11
David Harvey's Geography by John Paterson David Harvey's Geography
Hardback , Dec '13
RRP: $294.00 $291.06
David Harvey's Geography by John Paterson David Harvey's Geography
Paperback , Dec '15
RRP: $96.99 $96.02
Water Cycle Books for Kids by John Paterson Water Cycle Books for Kids
Paperback , Sep '20
20% OFF!
RRP: $49.99 $39.99
Behind the Mask: Regulating Health and Safety in Britain's Offshore Oil and Gas Industry by John Paterson Behind the Mask: Regulating...
Paperback , Nov '19
20% OFF!
RRP: $67.99 $54.39
Uk Oil and Gas Law: Current Practice and Emerging Trends by Greg Gordon Uk Oil and Gas Law: Current...
Paperback , May '18
20% OFF!
RRP: $347.77 $278.21
Uk Oil and Gas Law: Current Practice and Emerging Trends by Greg Gordon Uk Oil and Gas Law: Current...
Paperback , Jun '18
20% OFF!
RRP: $347.77 $278.21
The Trouble with Cash by John H Paterson The Trouble with Cash
Paperback , Feb '23
20% OFF!
RRP: $49.05 $39.24
God and the War: Some Lessons of the Present Crisis... by John Paterson Smyth God and the War: Some Lessons...
Paperback , Mar '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $65.66 $52.52
To the Worthy and Independent Liverymen of London. Gentlemen and Brother Citizens, I Should Be Utterly Undeserving the Distinguished Honour You Have Conferred on Me by Your Numerous Appearance in My Behalf at Guildhall This Day, Were I Not Thus Early... by Professor of Law John Paterson To the Worthy and Independent...
Paperback , Apr '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $39.13 $31.30
Reclaiming the Life We Lost Along the Way by Professor of Law John Paterson Reclaiming the Life We Lost Along the Way
Hardback , Nov '14
20% OFF!
RRP: $79.56 $63.64
To the Worthy and Independent Liverymen of London. Gentlemen and Brother Citizens, I Should Be Utterly Undeserving the Distinguished Honour You Conferred on Me by Your Numerous Appearance in My Behalf at Guildhall Yesterday, Were I Not Thus Early To... by Professor of Law John Paterson To the Worthy and Independent...
Paperback , Apr '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $39.13 $31.30
To the Worthy Liverymen of the City of London, Gentlemen, Your Votes, Interest, and Poll, (If Needful) Are Earnestly Requested for Deputy John Paterson, ... to Be One of Your Representatives in Parliament: ... by Professor of Law John Paterson To the Worthy Liverymen of...
Paperback , Apr '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $39.13 $31.30
Memorial for Sir John Paterson of Eccles, Baronet, Defender; Against Elliot and Mary Setons, Pursuers. by Professor of Law John Paterson Memorial for Sir John Paterson...
Paperback , Jun '10
20% OFF!
RRP: $39.13 $31.30
Bread and Liberty. Paterson (the Friend of the Poor) for Ever. March 22, 1768: To the Worthy Liverymen of the City of London, Gentlemen, Your Interest, and Poll, Are Earnestly Requested for Deputy John Paterson, ...... by Professor of Law John Paterson Bread and Liberty. Paterson...
Paperback , Feb '12
20% OFF!
RRP: $39.13 $31.30
Reclaiming the Life We Lost Along the Way by Professor of Law John Paterson Reclaiming the Life We Lost Along the Way
Paperback , Nov '14
20% OFF!
RRP: $50.38 $40.30
The Cavity Compromise: A sustainable system: how to integrate mite control, swarm control, honey production, and the overwintering of nucleus colonies in a northern climate using biotechnical controls and leveraging the bees' own abilities. by Adrian Quiney The Cavity Compromise: A...
Paperback , Mar '23
20% OFF!
RRP: $39.91 $31.92
The Flint Heart by John Rocco The Flint Heart
Paperback , Dec '14
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