Lamont Schools

Books by Jon Elster

Please note: The search results below show all titles that are available in print in the world for your search terms. The search results are not restricted to children’s books, and so they may include books that are unsuitable for schools. Please confirm suitability before ordering items from the search results below.

To see items curated for schools, please explore our catalogue lists above (e.g. Adventure, Standing Order), as these are prepared by Lamont and contain items suitable for schools.

Tocqueville: The Ancien Régime and the French Revolution by Jon Elster Tocqueville: The Ancien Régime...
Paperback , Jun '11
RRP: $36.95 $35.47
France before 1789: The Unraveling of an Absolutist Regime by Jon Elster France before 1789: The Unraveling...
Hardback , Aug '20
RRP: $72.99 $71.53
An Introduction to Karl Marx by Jon Elster An Introduction to Karl Marx
Paperback , Jul '86
RRP: $38.95 $37.39
Sour Grapes by Jon Elster Sour Grapes
Paperback , Aug '16
RRP: $38.95 $37.39
Making Sense of Marx by Jon Elster Making Sense of Marx
Paperback , May '85
RRP: $59.95 $57.55
America before 1787: The Unraveling of a Colonial Regime by Jon Elster America before 1787: The...
Hardback , Sep '23
15% OFF!
RRP: $101.57 $86.33
France before 1789: The Unraveling of an Absolutist Regime by Jon Elster France before 1789: The Unraveling...
Paperback , Feb '23
RRP: $49.99 $47.99
Reason and Rationality by Jon Elster Reason and Rationality
Hardback , Mar '09
15% OFF!
RRP: $44.99 $38.24
Securities against Misrule by Jon Elster Securities against Misrule
Paperback , Apr '13
15% OFF!
RRP: $47.95 $40.75
Closing the Books by Jon Elster Closing the Books
Paperback , Sep '04
RRP: $55.95 $53.71
Getting Hooked by Jon Elster Getting Hooked
Paperback , Aug '07
RRP: $77.95 $74.83
Solomonic Judgements by Jon Elster Solomonic Judgements
Paperback , Jul '89
RRP: $77.95 $74.83
Institutional Design in Post-Communist Societies by Jon Elster Institutional Design in Post-Communist Societies
Hardback , Mar '98
RRP: $203.95 $195.79
Political Psychology by Jon Elster Political Psychology
Paperback , Jan '93
RRP: $77.95 $74.83
Alexis de Tocqueville, the First Social Scientist by Jon Elster Alexis de Tocqueville, the First Social Scientist
Hardback , Apr '09
RRP: $96.95 $93.07
Constituent Assemblies by Jon Elster Constituent Assemblies
Hardback , Jun '18
RRP: $193.95 $186.19
Tocqueville: The Ancien Régime and the French Revolution by Jon Elster Tocqueville: The Ancien Régime...
Hardback , Jun '11
RRP: $145.95 $140.11
Institutional Design in Post-Communist Societies by Jon Elster Institutional Design in Post-Communist Societies
Paperback , Mar '98
RRP: $71.95 $69.07
Ulysses Unbound by Jon Elster Ulysses Unbound
Hardback , Apr '00
RRP: $166.95 $160.27
Retribution and Reparation in the Transition to Democracy by Jon Elster Retribution and Reparation...
Hardback , May '06
RRP: $214.95 $206.35
Constitutionalism and Democracy by Jon Elster Constitutionalism and Democracy
Paperback , Jul '93
RRP: $115.95 $111.31
Alchemies of the Mind by Jon Elster Alchemies of the Mind
Paperback , Nov '98
RRP: $67.95 $65.23
Constituent Assemblies by Jon Elster Constituent Assemblies
Paperback , Jun '19
RRP: $59.95 $57.55
Secrecy and Publicity in Votes and Debates by Jon Elster Secrecy and Publicity in Votes and Debates
Hardback , Jun '15
RRP: $174.95 $167.95
Explaining Social Behavior by Jon Elster Explaining Social Behavior
Paperback , Jul '15
RRP: $59.95 $57.55
Political Psychology by Jon Elster Political Psychology
Hardback , Jan '93
RRP: $148.95 $142.99
Deliberative Democracy by Jon Elster Deliberative Democracy
Hardback , Mar '98
RRP: $145.95 $140.11
Explaining Technical Change by Jon Elster Explaining Technical Change
Paperback , Jun '83
RRP: $71.95 $69.07
Interpersonal Comparisons of Well-Being by Jon Elster Interpersonal Comparisons of Well-Being
Paperback , Jul '93
RRP: $121.95 $117.07
Sour Grapes by Jon Elster Sour Grapes
Hardback , Aug '16
RRP: $144.95 $139.15
Karl Marx by Jon Elster Karl Marx
Paperback , Aug '86
RRP: $86.95 $83.47
The Cement of Society by Jon Elster The Cement of Society
Paperback , Jul '89
RRP: $104.95 $100.75
Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences by Jon Elster Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences
Paperback , Jul '89
RRP: $75.95 $72.91
Getting Hooked by Jon Elster Getting Hooked
Hardback , Mar '99
RRP: $145.95 $140.11
Alexis de Tocqueville, the First Social Scientist by Jon Elster Alexis de Tocqueville, the First Social Scientist
Paperback , Apr '09
RRP: $44.95 $43.15
Alternatives to Capitalism by Jon Elster Alternatives to Capitalism
Paperback , Oct '18
RRP: $49.95 $47.95
Results 1 - 36 of 60