Lamont Schools

Books by Richard Greene

Please note: The search results below show all titles that are available in print in the world for your search terms. The search results are not restricted to children’s books, and so they may include books that are unsuitable for schools. Please confirm suitability before ordering items from the search results below.

To see items curated for schools, please explore our catalogue lists above (e.g. Adventure, Standing Order), as these are prepared by Lamont and contain items suitable for schools.

Conspiracy Theories in the Time of Coronavirus: A Philosophical Treatment by Rachel Robison-Greene Conspiracy Theories in the...
Paperback , Sep '22
15% OFF!
RRP: $34.99 $29.74
Our Man in Havana by Graham Greene Our Man in Havana
Hardback , Jul '17
15% OFF!
RRP: $14.99 $12.74
Russian Roulette: 'A brilliant new life of Graham Greene' - Evening Standard by Richard Greene Russian Roulette: 'A brilliant...
Paperback , Nov '21
15% OFF!
RRP: $26.99 $22.94
The Third Man and Other Stories by Graham Greene The Third Man and Other Stories
Hardback , Jul '17
15% OFF!
RRP: $29.37 $24.96
The Ministry of Fear by Graham Greene The Ministry of Fear
Hardback , Jul '17
15% OFF!
RRP: $32.05 $27.24
Dexter and Philosophy by Richard Greene Dexter and Philosophy
Paperback , May '11
RRP: $34.99 $33.24
Westworld and Philosophy: Mind Equals Blown by Richard Greene Westworld and Philosophy: Mind Equals Blown
Paperback , Mar '19
RRP: $29.99 $28.49
Mr. Robot and Philosophy by Richard Greene Mr. Robot and Philosophy
Paperback , Jul '17
RRP: $34.99 $33.24
Zombies, Vampires, and Philosophy by Richard Greene Zombies, Vampires, and Philosophy
Paperback , Apr '10
RRP: $34.99 $33.24
Orange Is the New Black and Philosophy by Richard Greene Orange Is the New Black and Philosophy
Paperback , Dec '15
RRP: $29.99 $28.49
His Dark Materials and Philosophy by Richard Greene His Dark Materials and Philosophy
Paperback , Sep '20
15% OFF!
RRP: $62.55 $53.16
The Sopranos and Philosophy by Richard Greene The Sopranos and Philosophy
Paperback , Mar '04
15% OFF!
RRP: $62.55 $53.16
Quentin Tarantino and Philosophy by Richard Greene Quentin Tarantino and Philosophy
Paperback , Nov '07
15% OFF!
RRP: $67.57 $57.43
Twin Peaks and Philosophy by Richard Greene Twin Peaks and Philosophy
Paperback , Aug '18
15% OFF!
RRP: $50.02 $42.51
Boardwalk Empire and Philosophy by Richard Greene Boardwalk Empire and Philosophy
Paperback , Oct '13
15% OFF!
RRP: $50.02 $42.51
Orphan Black and Philosophy by Richard Greene Orphan Black and Philosophy
Paperback , Sep '16
15% OFF!
RRP: $50.02 $42.51
Peanuts and Philosophy by Richard Greene Peanuts and Philosophy
Paperback , Mar '17
15% OFF!
RRP: $50.02 $42.51
Spoiler Alert!: (It's a Book about the Philosophy of Spoilers) by Richard Greene Spoiler Alert!: (It's a Book...
Paperback , Aug '19
15% OFF!
RRP: $50.02 $42.51
Conspiracy Theories: Philosophers Connect the Dots by Richard Greene Conspiracy Theories: Philosophers Connect the Dots
Paperback , Jan '20
15% OFF!
RRP: $50.02 $42.51
The Princess Bride and Philosophy by Richard Greene The Princess Bride and Philosophy
Paperback , Nov '15
15% OFF!
RRP: $70.08 $59.56
Girls and Philosophy by Richard Greene Girls and Philosophy
Paperback , Jan '15
15% OFF!
RRP: $50.02 $42.51
Punk Rock and Philosophy by Joshua Heter Punk Rock and Philosophy
Paperback , Nov '22
15% OFF!
RRP: $62.55 $53.16
The Godfather and Philosophy by Joshua Heter The Godfather and Philosophy
Paperback , Nov '23
15% OFF!
RRP: $62.55 $53.16
American Horror Story and Philosophy by Richard Greene American Horror Story and Philosophy
Paperback , Jan '18
15% OFF!
RRP: $40.07 $34.05
Post-Punk and Philosophy: Rip It Up and Think Again by Joshua Heter Post-Punk and Philosophy:...
Paperback , Nov '24
15% OFF!
RRP: $62.55 $53.16
Ultimate Supernatural and Philosophy by Richard Greene Ultimate Supernatural and Philosophy
Paperback , May '22
15% OFF!
RRP: $34.99 $29.74
Edith Sitwell by Richard Greene Edith Sitwell
Paperback , Apr '12
15% OFF!
RRP: $27.99 $23.79
The Golden Compass and Philosophy by Richard Greene The Golden Compass and Philosophy
Paperback , Oct '09
15% OFF!
RRP: $34.99 $29.74
The Undead and Philosophy by Richard Greene The Undead and Philosophy
Paperback , Aug '06
15% OFF!
RRP: $32.99 $28.04
Holst: The Planets by Richard Greene Holst: The Planets
Paperback , Mar '95
RRP: $49.95 $47.95
Mary Leapor by Richard Greene Mary Leapor
Hardback , Apr '93
RRP: $389.00 $381.22
Graham Greene: A Life In Letters by Richard Greene Graham Greene: A Life In Letters
Paperback , Dec '08
RRP: $48.99 $47.03
Holst: The Planets by Richard Greene Holst: The Planets
Hardback , Mar '95
RRP: $145.95 $140.11
A Selection of English Carols by Richard Leighton Greene A Selection of English Carols
Hardback , Feb '78
RRP: $110.00 $105.60
The Works of Mary Leapor by Mary Leapor The Works of Mary Leapor
Hardback , Dec '03
RRP: $666.00 $652.67
Results 1 - 36 of 62