Lamont Schools

Books by Richard Hooker Wilmer

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In Memoriam: A Sermon in Commemoration of the Life and Labors of the Rt. REV. Stephen Elliott ... Delivered in Christ Church, Savan by Richard Hooker Wilmer In Memoriam: A Sermon in...
Paperback , Jan '12
15% OFF!
RRP: $39.49 $33.56
The Sailor Boy, Or, Jack Somers in the Navy: A Story of the Great Rebellion by Professor Oliver Optic The Sailor Boy, Or, Jack...
Paperback , May '10
15% OFF!
RRP: $82.11 $69.79
Fighting Joe; Or, the Fortunes of a Staff Officer. a Story of Great Rebellion by Professor Oliver Optic Fighting Joe; Or, the Fortunes...
Paperback , May '10
15% OFF!
RRP: $82.11 $69.79
A Son of Old Harry by Albion Winegar 1838 Tourg E A Son of Old Harry
Paperback , Sep '11
15% OFF!
RRP: $94.65 $80.45
On the Offensive, an Army Story by George I Putnam On the Offensive, an Army Story
Paperback , Sep '11
15% OFF!
RRP: $74.59 $63.40
The Battle of New York; A Story for All Young People by William Osborn 1835 Stoddard The Battle of New York; A...
Paperback , Sep '11
15% OFF!
RRP: $72.08 $61.26
From Dust to Ashes. a Romance of the Confederacy by George P C Rumbough From Dust to Ashes. a Romance of the Confederacy
Paperback , Sep '11
15% OFF!
RRP: $62.05 $52.74
The Lost Colony by James F B 1826 Raymond The Lost Colony
Paperback , Sep '11
15% OFF!
RRP: $89.63 $76.18
For Life and Liberty: A Story of Battle by Land and Sea by Gordon Stables For Life and Liberty: A Story...
Paperback , Sep '11
15% OFF!
RRP: $87.12 $74.05
The Gunboat Boys, Or, Harry and Artie Among the Guerillas by Rankin Arthur A The Gunboat Boys, Or, Harry...
Paperback , Sep '11
15% OFF!
RRP: $39.49 $33.56
Lieutenant George Trellen, Or, a Tricky Union Boy by Wilson George B Lieutenant George Trellen, Or, a Tricky Union Boy
Paperback , Sep '11
15% OFF!
RRP: $39.49 $33.56
Knights in Fustian: A War Time Story of Indiana by Brown Caroline 1852-1931 Knights in Fustian: A War Time Story of Indiana
Paperback , Sep '11
15% OFF!
RRP: $72.08 $61.26
The Last Man by N Monroe (Nathan Monroe) McLaughlin The Last Man
Paperback , Sep '11
15% OFF!
RRP: $64.56 $54.87
A Man Without a Memory, and Other Stories by William Henry Shelton A Man Without a Memory, and Other Stories
Paperback , Sep '11
15% OFF!
RRP: $82.11 $69.79
89 by Albion Winegar 1838-1905 Tourgee 89
Paperback , Sep '11
15% OFF!
RRP: $97.15 $82.57
The Gilead Guards: A Story of War-Times in a New England Town by O W Mrs Scott, 1843-1920 The Gilead Guards: A Story...
Paperback , Sep '11
15% OFF!
RRP: $77.10 $65.53
Jack Benson's Log; Or, Afloat with the Flag in '61 by Charles Ledyard 1837-1909 Norton Jack Benson's Log; Or, Afloat with the Flag in '61
Paperback , Sep '11
15% OFF!
RRP: $72.08 $61.26
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